Analogue of the free Dr utility

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is considered the next step in malware detection and removal. In our product, we have collected a number of new technologies designed to quickly detect, destroy and prevent malware. Malwarebytes Anti-

Selection of computer components

The existing system unit may not always suit the buyer. That's why we offer the function of assembling a PC online using the configurator. This mechanism will not limit you in anything, offering dozens of possible configurations for a stationary machine.

How to check your computer for viruses using the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool scanner

The Virus Removal Tool utility is one of the most effective tools for detecting and eliminating almost any virus program. Its main advantage is that it does not require installation on a computer. All you have to do is download and run it, and

Online computer configurators with component compatibility checking

In addition to the fact that there are countless computer stores themselves, in addition, in the stores themselves, the choice of both ready-made computers and individual components for them is simply incredible. To an uninitiated user, it will be unclear what is responsible for what

Download free Kaspersky antivirus - Kaspersky FREE

When it comes time to download an antivirus for free, it is worth trying the free version of Kaspersky antivirus free download without registration and SMS. Kaspersky Lab provides high-quality basic protection for home users for 365 days without payment

How to completely remove Avast antivirus from your computer

There are cases when it is impossible to remove Avast antivirus using the standard method. This can happen for various reasons, such as if the uninstaller file is corrupted or deleted. But before turning to professionals with a request: “Help, I couldn’t

Online file scanning for viruses

Virus Total is one of the most popular services that allows you to check a file or URL for malware. Provides a 100% probability of detecting dangerous data, including a variety of viruses, Trojans and worms that carry OS

USB Disk Security – protect your computer from viruses from USB flash drives

Antivirus for a flash drive is a necessary thing, since today almost everyone has a flash drive. Often, important data for us is stored on flash drives: coursework, diplomas, reports, photos, etc. And getting viruses on a flash device does not bode well. Only

How to check your computer for viruses

It goes without saying that any user would like to know how fast their computer system is. Checking the performance of a computer with Windows 10 or any other system on board can be done using several methods using

How to connect remote access to a computer via the Internet: Guide Remote connection

Remote access is an excellent tool if you need to help a person who is far away with a computer, or urgently view work files from home. Let's look at what programs you can use for this, how to configure them and use them in your work. What's happened